Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dumptown Game For Environmental Awareness

Waste reduction and using energy efficient products such has lighting fixtures and appliances, are greatly encourage by the different environmental organizations both in the public and private sectors here and abroad. There is hope for all of us just as long as we cooperate and do our part in saving what is left of our planet. We just can't watch in the background while the rest are doing their part for the environment. It is important that we should instill in the minds of the younger generation the importance of recycling and reusing and using items which uses less energy. We raise their awareness by teaching them to respect their environment which can be done in school, at home, through social media, and interactive games such as Dumptown Game.

Dumptown Game is a game developed by Environmental Protection Agency or EPA, a US government agency which was organized to protect our health and government by imposing laws and regulations started operating on December 2, 1970 was proposed by President Richard Nixon. They are the people behind the Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Preservation Act, Clean Water Act and other laws which had greatly help our environment from total destruction. Going back to the Dumptown Game, you need to install the Adobe Shockwave Player first before you can start playing. Once installed you click on Play the Game Button, to start playing a game and you will be reintroduced to a community in chaos and polluted.Clicking on the City Hall will show you the different programs and laws which were regulated the US government. On each government program you clicked are important descriptions of the program, fun facts and what the communities can do. Once you are done with each program you will see the changes in the community until it becomes an ideal place to live in. 

We can also do our part in protecting our environment in our homes by recycling items such as water bottles and newspapers and buying energy efficient appliances and lighting fixtures only. We can also make our own garden and plant trees which does not only beautifies our environment but also helps clean the air. If you have a limited space you can still make your own garden by using trellises such as 60"W x 60"H Iron Garden Screen with (6) 8" Pot Holders which are perfect for growing vines and other decorative plants.

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